eating well and looking good for less

Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm trying to get back into the swing of blogging, but it's discouraging when you feel like you're standing around talking to yourself, isn't it? If you're out there, comment! Let me know I'm not shouting into the abyss here.

This week Acme is running a GM milk catalina: get free milk when you buy three boxes of General Mills cereal. Cheerios were on sale $2/6, but somehow in my mind I conflated $2/6 and wyb 3 and was under the impression that the sale price was $2 a box. Do you ever do this? Please tell me that I am not the only one who makes stupid mistakes like this! That would have been a great price, combined with the 75c/1 Multi-Grain Cheerios and the 55c/1 regular Cheerios coupons I printed out, especially because I watch my little picky-eater niece all day, and MG Cheerios and milk are two of the few foods she ever eats. I went to the store all ready to pay $1.90 for three boxes of cereal and a gallon of milk. Alas. $4.90, after qs. I suppose that 38c a box, after factoring in the milk catalina, is still pretty good, but I was disappointed. Still, after dragging a pair of somewhat unwilling three year olds out into the cold for Cheerios, I wasn't leaving that place without some cereal, if you know what I mean. Plus, my cereal stockpile was beginning to reach normal person proportions. I prefer to have so much cereal that guests leave my house doubting my sanity. I was down to five open boxes and six unopened ones. Noooooooooo! No one will think I am a crazy person for having six boxes of breakfast cereal.

Anyway, it worked out, because they still had some copies of the Sunday paper left at the front of the store. I wanted to pick up a couple extra copies yesterday, but all the convenience stores were out before 2 PM. The papers from Acme even had the GM insert, which my CVS copies didn't have.

We bought a chest freezer this weekend, so I can't wait to start shopping some sales and filling it up. It's coming on Friday -- just in time, since my stupid cats broke the seal on our old, tiny standalone freezer. Can't wait to try something like once a month cooking. We bought a new mattress set, too, to replace our twelve (twelve!!!) year old IKEA mattress. I can't WAIT. It's going to be the longest week of waiting for delivery EVER.

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